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“God is a God of order not of chaos.”

Writer's picture: Church OfficeChurch Office

October 2024 Newsletter

“God is a God of order not of chaos.” I don’t remember where I first heard it, but this phrase has made a permanent place in my brain over the course of the past few years. I’ll explain why that phrase comes to mind so often for me after I ground it in God’s Word first.

The opening phrase is similar to but not exactly Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 14:33a which says, “God is not a God of disorder, but of peace.” The Greek gives some context to how we think about those two contrasting words disorder and peace. In the Greek, the word for disorder is ἀκαταστασία (a-kata-stasia) which means: upheaval, or almost anarchy. It is a mix of two words: kata which means “down” and stasis which means “standing,” with the added prefix of “a” which makes the word negative or opposite. The word almost literally breaks apart into: “without sure footing underneath.” This may give way to the chaotic footing of an earthquake if we think back to the “almost anarchy” definition of earlier.

The second word is completely different. Rather than meaning order in contrast to disorder, the Greek word εἰρήνη (i-ray-nay) which is almost universally translated as peace is used. This word does not have the parts of the other word but is simply an offshoot of the verb “to join together (into a whole).” For if things are thus joined, there ought to naturally be peace. Taken together then, simple pictures of a chaotic sea versus calm waters paint a clear distinction between the words and holds true to their meanings.

This is the backdrop in my mind of the truth of the phrase “God is a God of order not of chaos.” The reason it keeps coming to mind for me and maybe also for you is that the world we live in seems to be growing increasingly chaotic. Gender norms and sexual identities, racial division and cultural/political unrest, generational and familial strife, all of these things revolve in one way or another around the need for good order. Without order, life simply devolves into chaos. Just imagine how chaotic things would be if created orders governing the physical world like gravity were to somehow overnight ‘shift.’ Not all at once so that people are floating into space or unable to lift their feet, but somehow the air became thicker or thinner, and no one can tell quite why.

Most of us can put our fingers on things not feeling the same as they always have culturally and socially. This goes to another comment I’ve long made that all things in life are theological. Every decision we make is based on God’s Word, or it’s not; it’s governed by the True Giver of Law or something ‘less-heavenly.’ For if God is the God of order, then in the simplest of dualistic relationships the devil is the god of chaos. He brings chaos into the Garden tempting Eve, plunging the rest of humanity into the chaos of sin. To this, God brings order by His word via commandments, the preach and written word of priests, prophets and apostles, and ultimately by the Word made flesh who redeems us and by His blood makes us new. The work of the Spirit by the shed blood of Christ seeks to remake, rework, redeem our broken consciences so we are again able and glad to hear God’s Word and live according to it. We are able to discern between right and wrong, and for the good of society, our neighbors, and ourselves seek to live according to it.

In this context, it is more important than ever to “speak the truth in love.” Or, that you who see things as theological or “spiritual should restore (your brother) in a spirit of gentleness.” To almost sound crass, the Bible becomes its own decoder for the chaos and disorder of the world when we view things correctly according to God’s design and order. The Church, the Ark of Christ, has always been the one thing constant through the ages providing both the peace of the Gospel amidst the chaotic confusion of sin, as well as the good order of a loving God in contrast to animalistic hate of a devilish god hell-bent on destroying the True God’s creation. May we as God’s people 1) give thanks to God for the good order He continues to promote through His Word and Church, 2) seek to live in accordance with that Word, those Commands and order in our daily lives, 3) encourage others in such order for their own good health while welcoming them into the Ark God has provided, and 4) eagerly look forward to that Day of our Lord’s return when full order will be restored, all things made new, and eternal Life with God and man walking together in harmony will be the rule and norm. 

“Amen, come quickly Lord Jesus,”

Pastor Nick



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